Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So it's exam time in my campus and you shold see the madness that is around. Guys are all up in the library, trying to find which assignment was due when. What project was being done at which time and how the hell they were going to finish them all in time. Well, truth be told from them days I have been a procastinator big time I always put my things till the last minute and when it's like two days to exam time-even if you try how hard to find me you will not and that's a gurantee. Feels like Im being prepare for a crash course on WAR on TERROR -EXAMS
Well luckily for me I will not be able to burn my school seeing that it's a chistian institution and I may be cursed....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

EURO 2008

Spain finally won the euro 2008, the euro plane carried lots of festivities for the spanidas I lost some money since I bet on Germany, but hey THE BEST TEAM WON kudos spain. 44 years the legacy is reborn, way to go Torres yeah

CHURCH ' the place to be'

Sunday morning...people move in the same direction, ever seen the movie 'the village of the dammed, resident evil or a classic Dr. Frankenstein. They all have one thing in common, all the zombies move in the same pace and direction. The only difference with real life is we have cars we can ride in, flashy clothes we can wear. It has become routine just like people report to work on a monday morning. Well the job at the office will be done by the end of the day, but ask someone what they were really working on and they will tell you.."..um something to do with reports or systems analysis. " They know what it was about, but can't pin-point what it is exactly. Ask someone what the pastor was preaching about, something to do with heaven, sins and stuff. The same story is on like a broken record playing on and on and on repeating the same track in a CD of about thirty tracks. So we move like zombies to church (which are strategically and conviniently located: near our homes at the centre of the town, up a hill so that we actually swarm in from all direction) day in day out doing the same old routine, until next Sunday when we will do it all again. Church really is the place to be.


Boy meets girl, boy and girl become friends, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl marry then they live happily ever after. A typical fairy tale isn't it? Where did they have a fight and make up? More often than not they breakup because a 'good friend' was too close. S/he's is just a friend. Meet my cousin :-)" 

I have experienced different. Firstly, when you break up, "he's just a friend" becomes the new partner. By the time you leave the door you bump into them as they enter. It makes one feel like they would grab a pot plant and throw it at them. 

Well now you can with the 'new breakup zapper press once both are zapped unconscious' wouldn't that be something. Only problem is there is no breakup zapper in real life. It only takes time before they are weary of you, " I just don't love you anymore!!" and you thought she or he was the one. 

HUMAN NATURE why 'so called'

A man walks in a home wielding a machete, crude axe. Hacks the husband, the three month old baby, the wife he first rapes, then cooks himself a meal and disappears into the darkness. When finally the police catch up with him, he's arrested and brought infront of the judge. The lawyer to the 'murderer' pleads insanity and the man sent to a mentally insane institute. So the question is why in the first place is this man taken to court..I know because we are a democratic nation riiiite, and who will defend the murdered family eehhh? C'mon human nature in such a situation dictate that he was acting as an amimal because he is one... so now he stops becoming a human being riiiiiite, help me out here. Ever seen 'perfect murder?'

So I copy pasted sue me!

PROSTITUTION ' The oldest profession.'

Travel for a holiday in Amsterdam and you will be shocked, or pleased beyond belief, at least I was you walk down the streets; see pastries, fruits and vegetables displayed on different stalls?

Yes, the girls are displayed like designer merchandise. First you window shop. Once you find what pleases your eyes - you walk right in and do your thing.

This earns the country tourism revenue and the ladies of the night go for regular tests. 

Do those who 'buy the merchandise' put the prostitutes at risk in addition to ruining marriages?

ABORTION - pro life pro choice

Abortion in our country Kenya is a never-ending story. First you have the police going after doctors who allegedly have performed the 'vice' being imprisoned.

However, the solution to the problem in my opinion is not to go after the doctor's, after all they are trying to get a sense of livelihood though through the wrong means. As such I would go for pro life and pro choice, let the 'pregnant couple' decide what to do about their situation. This will only be possible if abortion is legalised in Kenya.