Sunday morning...people move in the same direction, ever seen the movie 'the village of the dammed, resident evil or a classic Dr. Frankenstein. They all have one thing in common, all the zombies move in the same pace and direction. The only difference with real life is we have cars we can ride in, flashy clothes we can wear. It has become routine just like people report to work on a monday morning. Well the job at the office will be done by the end of the day, but ask someone what they were really working on and they will tell you.."..um something to do with reports or systems analysis. " They know what it was about, but can't pin-point what it is exactly. Ask someone what the pastor was preaching about, something to do with heaven, sins and stuff. The same story is on like a broken record playing on and on and on repeating the same track in a CD of about thirty tracks. So we move like zombies to church (which are strategically and conviniently located: near our homes at the centre of the town, up a hill so that we actually swarm in from all direction) day in day out doing the same old routine, until next Sunday when we will do it all again. Church really is the place to be.
Well have to be honest with ya basically guys don't know wat else to do I mean look. It a routine as yu say lakini people should be more devoted ama?
hahaha...niiiiiceeee yeah they really do go in one direction though they don't walk like zombies hehehehehe....
Actually i agree with this scholarly arguement.It is true that many people go to church for show.Either to maintain the status quo,carry on the family name or because it is a sunday.Kudos to Munga
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